Art film to zombie flick

I watch 'em all

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Terminator Salvation

Ok - so fair disclosure - I love the Terminator series in a big old geektastic way. I don't think any of the four are in any way shape or form great art, I do think they are in many ways fabulous entertainment.

I read a critique of this movie the other day that basically said it was a miserable failure, and I had to ask myself if they had actually watched the same movie that I had. Because I thought Terminator: Salvation was the second best of the series (because c'mon - what's gonna top T2?)

So to list the great things about this movie:
Things go *boom* - ALOT.
Sam Worthington doesn't make my eyes bleed. Neither does Christian Bale. Moon Bloodgood also doesn't suck to have to look at.
The kid who plays Kyle Reese (Jon Conner's dad) is just one of my new favorite adorkable actors.
The sound effects for the machines! (and seriously - all those who compare the machines to the Transformers? While the cartoon was out before this movie series began - the way the machines looked and acted had already posited years before Michael Bay gave us his vision of the Decipticon. So McG wasn't *stealing* from those movies - it was sticking to what had come before in this series - so get over your damn selves.)
The DETAILS they kept and used from the first three - awesome continuity! I LOVE when they do that. Makes my nerd heart beat faster in glee.
Things go boom - alot.
It's ugly in the future after Judgement Day - just like Kyle Reese came back and told us in that first movie, I enjoy watching the whole series and it's ever decreasing since of hope for the future, even as it's the only thing that is left to which to cling.

I think it's a good story. I think it's well told. I think it fits beautifully into the storyline of the Terminators. I think it has lots of good effects and action.

I love this movie. But - it's only a sci/fi action flick! Don't expect depth! No one is winning an Oscar for acting in this thing either! Be excited by the little geeky things, and have fun with it, and I think you might at least think it was worth the rental


This movie is excellent, but it's not a feel good "the world is gonna end but true love wins in the end" tale like, oh say Outbreak was back in the day. It's gritty, unnerving and - worst of all - real.

I love movies that explore what might happen in a worst case scenario - disaster porn I call them. But this one, while on the surface looks like it could be described as such, is not the same critter at all.

This movie posits what might occur in our modern, linked in fast moving world if a true pandemic virus was to be born and start to spread. And let me tell you, it's damn scary (especially when they've sat the story in your hometown *shudders*.)

The acting is amazing - there are several big name stars in this movie -  but the screenplay must have been written by a George RR Martin fan - in other words, don't get too attached to any character.

I think the thing I liked best about this movie - is that everyone was human. What I mean by that is there were no "good guys" or "bad guys" there were people who were stuck in a craptastic situation who made choices based on human emotions and desires. Some were altruistic, some were self-serving - but no one was all one or the other.

So if you are in the mood for a more serious drama some night, with no happy ending and no clear cut answers - I recommend this movie. Totally worth the money.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy

A classic spy tale - this is a slow developing movie. This does not make it a *bad* movie, but you should know right up front there aren't any explosions, car chases or grand fight scenes, like we have come to expect in today's "spy" movies. This is the classic spy movie set in 1970s England - shot in such a way that when the first shot comes on screen, you might actually question if you came to a new movie, or if this was re-released to the big screen.

What you will get from this movie is some amazing acting from everyone involved. There is not a weak link in this when it comes to the performances of the cast - they are all riveting. And it's fun to see them in the 70s styles to be honest - the 70s were nicers to some of them than others (Benedict Cumberbatch especially, although the eye candy for me was once again Tom Hardy.)

Slow moving the story might be, but it's enthralling nonetheless - by the end of the movie you should be leaning forward in you seat in anticipation of the big reveal of the identidity of the double agent. But all in all you have to be in the right frame of mind to watch this movie - it's not an easy piece of fluff to be watched to unwind. But if you want to watch something that keeps you guessing, and unwinds slowly and carefully - it's worth a watch

Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Descendants

Less of a movie - more of a film. George Clooney must have taken this one in hopes it could be an Oscar bid for him, and it probably will be.

This is a quiet, slow, introspective piece - with a few moments of dark humor to keep it from being a throw yourself under the bus film. The title encapsulates the theme of the film - what we have been given (both figuratively and literally) as the descendants or our ancestors, and what are we passing on to our descendants. Clooney's character is a man being squeezed by that emotional pressure from both sides and manages to do it with a great deal of grace.

One of the things I enjoyed the most about this film is the secondary story I was told about the setting of the movie: Hawaii. Someone who was involved with writing this story was from there at some point, and they manage to layer in a realistic view of coming from the islands. It was an eye opener for those of us who have only ever thought of Hawaii as an exotic vacation destination.

But - this is a film not a movie. If you are just sitting down for a couple of hours escape from the world - maybe desirous of watching some eye candy (why does this man get better looking with age?!?) I recommend you pass on The Descendants. If you are in the mood for something more somber, something very well done and thoughtful - this is an excellent choice.

Crazy, Stupid Love

There is a reason they keep churning out rom-coms by the dozens every year - that is because they hope one of them will turn out to be this movie.

To begin with I will admit I'm not a huge fan of Steve Carrell - except in this movie. He started off as a little bit of that character he tends to play all the time that makes my teeth itch, but through the plot device of the movie (being given a "make-over" and training by Ryan Gosling's womanizer character) - he is allowed to become a relatively good-looking normal guy with a pretty wicked sense of humor. You know, a guy you might actually believe was married with two kids to a pretty woman like Julianna Moore.

I, on the other hand, am a huge fan of Emma Stone - and the secondary story of her and Ryan Goslings character has some of my favorite lines from the movie - ones I'm walking around quoting. That is always a good sign for a movie - that I remember it longer than 10 minutes after I turn off the DVD!

This movie also gave me a suprise I totally did not see coming. I probably should have, but I did not, and that is not something that happens often with me!

If you are looking for something light, something feel good, something that makes most women go "awwwwwwww"  - this is one of the best offerings in this genre you could choose to pick. If you are looking for the typical stupid Steve Carrell comedy? Skip it.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Snow Flower and the Secret Fan

Total chick flick.
WONDERFUL chick flick.
Not a dry eye in the house chick flick.
BEAUTIFUL chick flick.
Acting, photography, costuming, story - all so well done.
Did I mention chick flick?
Did I mention I wept and wept and wept while watching this?
Oh, foreign film with subtitles! Not for those who hate to read while watching a movie.

Stunning movie. Chick flick. Subtitles. Crying.


This is a movie I thought was about mixed martial arts - so I didn't bother to see it in the theaters. I could see it had the eye candy, so I rented out of Redbox last weekend for something to put in as background material as I sewed. It certainly did provide eye candy, but I got hardly any sewing done, as the movie sucked me in to it's emotional undercurrent from the opening scene.

Warrior is a movie that uses mixed martial arts as plot device in telling an excellent story. You could say it was about family, or forgiveness, or what makes a true hero - but whichever one it is, MMA is just the back ground on which those topics are explored. This is no more about MMA than Rocky was about boxing - so please, do not let the fact that it is a "fight" movie dissuade you from seeing it.

Joel Edgarton is the actor who plays the main character "Brendan" in this film - he's the one you are meant to root for - he's the underdog, loving husband, good father and even the favorite local high school teacher. But while Joel does a good job of this role, the movie is propelled by the emotional gravitas of the two other actors in the film: Tom Hardy and Nick Nolte as Brendan's brother "Tommy" and father "Pop" respectively.

Nick Nolte plays the abusive drunk father who is now sober and wants nothing more than to be able to say he's sorry and be back in his son's lives. He breaks your heart when his sons keep rejecting him over and over. But he never steals a scene from another actor - he's never over the top. Which is the main reason, even though he was obviously a total a*hole in the past, you wish you could reach through the screen and make his sons accept him.

Tom Hardy is the younger brother who has had everyone in his life that he loved taken from him. He's angry - so so angry - but he doesn't take it out on the world in general - you see him be polite and kind to supporting characters in the film. He's just built a wall around himself to keep from being hurt again. The character is massively physical externally, but so small and broken on the inside - again, you just want to reach in and hug him and tell him it will be ok.

The story is well told, and well filmed. I can't comment on the MMA in the film - other than to say as a complete novice on the subject? Looked good to me, but if you are wanting a hardcore movie about MMA - this is not the movie for you to watch. If you find redemption stories too cliche - again, not the movie for you.

But for anyone else? I recommend this as one to watch.