Art film to zombie flick

I watch 'em all

Thursday, December 23, 2010

True Grit

So this is the Coen brother's latest offering. But it's sort of oddly not Coen-esque. Well at least not nearly so much so. There were a few moments of the absurd, but they were kept to a minimum and weren't the main push of the movie - just a touch here and there to keep things from being too grim.

If you want to go see a movie with excellent acting? This is it. Jeff Bridges and Matt Damon were superb. The little girl? Stole the whole show. She was a magnent your eyes had trouble leaving when she was on screen.
If you want to see a movie for the plot? This one had a sound one. You won't be disappointed.
If you want to watch the directors? The Coen's shine here. I think it is by far their best work.

If however you want a Hollywood happy ending? Nooooot so much so. Not the usual Coen fare of almost everyone dies - but no warm fuzzies found here.
If you have trouble with violence in general? Uh, this is a Western. Lots of people die. (But as an aside - relatively realistic deaths, not like the old Westerns they remade.)
If you don't like seeing bad things happen to good horses? Well what can I say - neither do I - but in this case is was something that I might have done too.

Over all? I don't think you'd have to lower your expectations too much to enjoy this film - I think it is a definite "at least try to rent it and watch it"

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Ok so 2012 is disaster porn. One of those movies where everything is gonna go *splodey* - and it directed by pretty much the acknowledged king of disaster porn - Roland Emmerich. But this was not his best offering. In fact it might be argued that he's getting a little played out in the genre.

Don't go for plot - because this one is rather weak. No unexpected twists or even attempts - you'll see it coming a mile away.
Don't go for acting - some of the actors in here are good to decent, but really? It's hared to give a lot of depth in D.P.
Don't go for a feel good ending - you might find yourself at the end of the movie wishing you could kill the ones who didn't die.

However if you can lower your standards this far - this is what this movie is good for:

LOTS OF THINGS GO BOOM! In spectacular fashion! The special effects are fun.
Woody Harrelson will make you giggle - he's the best thing in the movie IMHO.
Did I mention the things going boom? If you in your secret heart of hearts kinda wish on some days you could watch the world come to a spectacular end - then go ahead and watch this movie. You'll enjoy that much at least.